Dermatological manifestations of COVID-19
The Academy has gathered evidence from dermatologists regarding skin manifestations of COVID-19. A summary of this evidence is available below and can be downloaded as a PDF.
There is evolving evidence suggesting that skin manifestations may occur in some COVID-19 patients
One of these skin manifestations may be pernio-like lesions of the feet and/or hands
New onset of pernio-like lesions potentially related to COVID-19, in the absence of any other clear cause, should prompt a discussion between patient and their physician, and may include:
A case-by-case discussion of appropriateness of self-isolation following CDC guidelines
A case-by-case discussion of COVID-19 testing by PCR and/or IgM and IgG serology, following local testing guidelines
Skin lesions of pernio, without other COVID-19 indications for urgent evaluation, should be managed with careful consideration of not overburdening local emergency room resources
Dermatological manifestations of COVID-19
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