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What increases your risk of getting melanoma?

More people are developing melanoma, the most-serious skin cancer, than ever before. Do you know what increases your risk of getting this sometimes deadly skin cancer? You can find out by taking this quiz.

You can help your family and friends reduce their risk of developing melanoma by sharing this quiz with them.

Many moles: Image used with permission of Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: J Am Acad Dermatol 2003;48:707-13.

All other images: Getty Images

American Academy of Dermatology, Fact sheets. Last accessed March 28, 2017.

Benvenuto-Andrade, Oseitutu A, et al. “Cutaneous melanoma: Surveillance of patients for recurrence and new primary melanomas.” Dermatol Ther. 2005 Nov-Dec;18(6):423-35.

Robles-Espinoza CD, Roberts ND, et al. “Germline MC1R status influences somatic mutation burden in melanoma.” Nat Commun. 2016 Jul 12;7:12064.

Scope A, Marchetti M, et al. “The study of nevi in children: Principles learned and implications for melanoma diagnosis.” J Am Acad Dermatol 2016;75:813-23.
