Individual awards
Master Dermatologist Award
This award recognizes an Academy member who, throughout the span of his or her career, has made significant contributions to the specialty of dermatology, as well as to the leadership and/or educational programs of the AAD.
Honorary Membership
This award recognizes a member of the Academy who has advanced the profession through leadership and service that affirms an uncommon and sustained dedication to dermatology.
Thomas G. Pearson, Ed. D. Memorial Education Award
This award recognizes a member of the Academy who has advanced the organization’s education mission through significant contribution of time, development of educational programs, coordination of educational activities, and more.
Advocate of the Year Award
Each year the AADA recognizes outstanding grassroots advocacy efforts.
Young Investigators Award
Each year the Academy recognizes outstanding basic, translational, and clinical research by young dermatology investigators in the United States and Canada.
William D. James, MD Mentor of the Year Award
This award recognizes and celebrates Academy members who have demonstrated a long-standing commitment to mentoring.
Excellence in Patient Care Awards
Innovations in Quality Improvement Award
The AAD offers financial support to residents engaged in quality improvement projects that help meet requirements for ACGME accreditation.
Resident Quality Improvement Award
Performance Measure Pioneer Award
Professionalism Award
This award recognizes a medical professional or organization that has exemplified the highest standards of professionalism and medical ethics over their career or a considerable period of time.
Members Making a Difference Award
This award recognizes one AAD member per quarter for exceptional volunteer work.
Additional Academy resources
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