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Scalp psoriasis: Diagnosis and treatment

How do dermatologists diagnose scalp psoriasis?

To diagnose scalp psoriasis, a dermatologist looks at the scalp. 

Sometimes a dermatologist also needs to remove a bit of skin. This skin is sent to a lab. The lab report will tell the dermatologist whether the patient has scalp psoriasis. 

How do dermatologists treat scalp psoriasis? 

Scalp psoriasis causes many people discomfort. Some people feel embarrassed. Treatment can ease these problems. There are many safe and effective treatments. Some people get relief from a medicated shampoo or solution. A few of these can be purchased without a prescription. 

But scalp psoriasis can be stubborn. Many people see a dermatologist for treatment. A dermatologist can tell you what can help. The following types of treatment can help scalp psoriasis:

  • Medicine applied to the scalp

  • Medicated shampoos

  • Scale softeners

  • Injections

  • Light treatments

  • Biologics and other medicines that work throughout the body


When a person sees a dermatologist, it is rare to suffer from scalp psoriasis for long. Of course, it helps to follow the treatment plan.
