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Laser hair removal: Overview

Laser hair removal: Common misconceptions

A lot of misconceptions exist about what laser hair removal is and what it can and can’t do. Is it permanent? Does it work on light-colored hair? In this video, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Carolyn Jacob separates fact from fiction.

Laser hair removal for men

Today, more men than ever are seeking laser hair removal as a way to permanently eliminate unwanted hair. Watch this video to learn how laser hair removal can help treat issues like razor burn and ingrown hairs.

Are you tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing? Do you get razor bumps or acne-like breakouts when you get rid of unwanted hair? If so, you may want to consider laser hair removal. 

Dermatologists use lasers to remove unwanted facial and body hair safely and effectively. Thanks to advances in technology, most people can safely have laser hair removal. 

Removing the unwanted hair can take 6 sessions or more. Afterwards, laser hair removal is permanent on most areas of the body. Due to hormones, it's not permanent on a woman's face.

Laser hair removal can be repeated when the hair regrows.

What dermatologists treat: The lasers designed for hair removal can be used on most parts of the body. Many lasers effectively treat large areas. Laser hair removal can treat the:

  • Armpits

  • Back

  • Bikini area

  • Chest

  • Face, especially the upper lip and chin

  • Legs

  • Neck

  • Shoulders

Insurance coverage: Insurance does not cover laser hair removal. 

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Last updated: 11/22/21
