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DataDermTM is dermatology’s largest clinical data registry. It helps you improve quality of care, optimize practice efficiency, facilitate health services research, and demonstrate value to payers and insurers.

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Enroll in DataDerm

Review the three-step process and enroll in DataDerm today. The Academy's CMS-certified registry makes reporting easier and transparent.

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DataDerm dashboard

Already enrolled in DataDerm? Access your dashboard. See real-time information on your reporting progress.

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DataDerm FAQs

Get quick answers to your questions, including details on reporting deadlines. MIPS reporting requirements change every year, but the Academy helps you track the changes.

Card illustration for Dataderm recognized EHRs
EHR integration

See a list of EHRs DataDerm recognizes for integrating with the registry.

Illustration for DataDerm resources card
DataDerm resources

The DataDerm resource library has a variety of useful forms and training guides available for download, along with other valuable resources.

Card illustration for DataDerm AMCs
Academic medical centers

Explore how DataDerm can help your AMC achieve new insights into the data you value most.
